Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mayor jettisons Markum; taxpayers will now pay for his consultant?

I keep hearing that the Mayor feels like he has out grown Mr. Marcum and has made a move to the big time !!! And of course the taxpayers will pay for it to the tune of 40,000 thousand a year. Will this new position be a full time Job? Or will this just be a paycheck job? I keep hearing that the person will ”stand in” for the mayor. My question is why? We did not elect this individual to represent our city. The Mayor claimed he was going to be a full time mayor not a part time player. Surely the mayor of League City did not LIE to the citizens just to get elected??? Surely the mayor thinks more of the citizens that just another paycheck. Surely the Great and conservative mayor would not wish to add an additional layer of government for the taxpayer to pay for????

Is the mayor a “convenient” conservative? (one who uses the label for election purposes only) I sure do not see him following his “party” line.

Tonight the council did not approve Mr. E. A. “Trey” Apffel III as the chairman of the Charter revision committee as requested by the absent (part time player) Mayor. Where was the mayor? What could have been more important than the welfare of the city? Could he have been at the YMCA dinner? Is that why he needs the taxpayer to pay 40,000 thousand for his personal assistant?

No personal assistant for the mayor ! The vote was :

To postpone and not hire the person

Mayor Pro-tem Cones
Councilmember Keeney
Councilmember Barber
Councilmember Jim Nelson

Not to postpone and hire the person

Councilmember Tad Nelson
Councilmember Samulson


LC Confused Party said...

Chris, please see my post below. I usaully agree with you on these matters, but on this one I am not sure I can go along with you. It sounds like the Mayor needs some help. What is wrong with that. I mean if the guy was asking for a personal ass wiper I could see how that was unecessary.

I watched the city council meeting last night. I cannot understand what 10b was all about. There sure was a lot of discussion about the Mayor and his hiring a new secretary. The part that was strange was that during the discussion, the city manager said that the person they were seeking permission to hire, was already hired. Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse? Other interesting points revealed during the conversation was that the job description was written by the lady at the table, the Mayor, and Markum. I presume that “Markum” is the same Markum that is talked about in this blog a lot. Can someone explain the inside baseball that is going on here to an outsider?

Chris John Mallios said...

I do not believe that the mayor needs to hire a speech writer and a person to take his place to represent our city. I have NO problem with getting the mayor secretarial help. But what the job description said was not normal secretarial duties. That is the point,it appears to me, that the mayor told some council members one thing and they found out that the actual job description was not what was presented to them. You are correct the cart was placed way before the horse because the mayor ASSUMED he had the votes needed for the position to pass. The mayor was attempting to shove this position through. Think about it …Our city Attorney was trying to say in a nice way that the city council may cause a legal problem by not voting for what the mayor was trying to force down the throats of the citizens. But the true point is who failed to work with the council? Who failed to communicate?

A better question is how many LC police officers write job descriptions? The answer is none. If he was asked to do so as a consultant than what are his qualifications to do so? Was he paid? If so who paid him ? The Mayor? His campaign funds? Personal funds? City funds? Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

League City Progress said...

How many CEO's have you EVER heard of that do not have an executive assistant?????

None. But that's ok, let's keep running the city like the small town joke certain people who run this blog want it to be.

If we want to be a top-notch city, we need to hire (and elect) EDUCATED PROFESSIONALS.

I'm sure the message is lost on those who run (and are hand picked to post original threads) on this left wing blog.

League City Progress said...

How many CEO's have you EVER heard of that do not have an executive assistant?????

None. But that's ok, let's keep running the city like the small town joke certain people who run this blog want it to be.

If we want to be a top-notch city, we need to hire (and elect) EDUCATED PROFESSIONALS.

I'm sure the message is lost on those who run (and are hand picked to post original threads) on this left wing blog.

League City Progress said...

Funny title for this thread too . . .
Maybe if Tommy and friends hadn't spread the city so thin by wasting sooo much money on BLD there would actually be funds left over to promote efficient and professional management.

Chris John Mallios said...

Who has been in control of this “small town joke” over the last 11 years? Who has had full control to chart the course and fill it full of "professionals" in this “small town joke” ?

But the message is lost I guess …..

League City Progress said...

Let's keep things in context. What I said was the "small town joke" certain people who run this blog want it to be. I guess that's why I haven't looked at it in so long. Disagreement is fine, but it seems you and yours simply promote destruction for the sake of attention and to impede progress.

As for who has been in control for the last eleven years? The same people who pull the strings of certain council members now. In fact, I think you were actually on the P&Z for some time weren't you? I guess that means you were part of the eleven year reign of ridiculousness.

This city is growing. Like it or not. Let's try to move forward and encourage our council members to bring some professionalism to the table. Certain people need to be replaced. The majority woke up and spoke in the last mayoral election. I am confident they will wake up for next years' council election too. What I saw on TV last night was just a mess. How can petty attempts to control the mayor be productive?

We're definitely not a small town joke, but unfortunately, our politics continue to be. . .

Chris John Mallios said...

Context is a good thing. You are correct the present mayor as well as the conservative republicans who have run this town have and continue to make League City politician a political joke. Look at what they have done to the city. BLD? Republican made so don’t try to pass it off on the Dems. Whine all you want but just remember it was your fellow conservative republicans that are responsible for the laughter you hear!

League City Progress said...

Context again, actually, it was Jeff Harrison and his club that pushed it through. BTW, Tommy Cones was a supporter of the project too - his votes are on record. I know he's your boy, but isn't he a Dumocrat?

Chris John Mallios said...

Are you saying Harrison is a democrat? Now I know you are reaching !!! LOL Y’all haven’t figured out yet you should at least have a “token” democrat to blame everything on. But the power is absolutely blinding I guess….

Jerryisourmayor said...

To Chris,
We know who the bosses are now, all starts at the top with Kosty/Hallisey

Chris John Mallios said...

sour mayor,
Why bring Mr. Hallisey and Mrs. Kosty into it? Do you really think the average taxpayer cannot see through the smoke screen and deception?

ihatekosty said...

The only smoke screen and deception is on from Hallisey/Kosty

Chris John Mallios said...

I know this is foreign to you Hateful, but it is not Mr. H or Mrs. K it is the citizens waking up to what a poor choice of mayor they were deceived into electing. Like I said the only thing your friend can do now is look for a lame duck mayor retirement home.