Wednesday, June 28, 2006

328,500 emails Oh My !!!

If the mayor receives 300 emails a day, as stated in the last council meeting, that means he gets 109,500 a year …hmmm so over his three year term the mayor will receive 328,500 emails. Is that a world record ? Someone should call Guinness !


Jerryisourmayor said...

Keep your head screwed on. Let's face it, they are making a mountain out of a mole hill. So what if this person was overly qualified for the job, who cares! What if she was going to write speaches for Jerry, who cares! What we all need is for our City to run smoothly and if Jerry needs to have some one to go to events on his behalf, again I say who cares! That is exactly how he ran his election. You know who was every where Jerry was not, yes it was Markum! So again, if Jerry wants to spend $1.00 per capita for his secretary/assistant to go to functions in his stead, again who cares! This is a non issue, this is just a campaign to make Jerry's term miserable from the Hallisey/Kosty team! You know who runs this town now, Elaine Kosty, no one gets on a board without her approval. Just ask Trey Apfell.

ihatekosty said...
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League City Progress said...

Couldn't agree more. Is this jealousy, or just another attempt to destroy and degrade Jerry's efforts for the mere purpose of impeding any kind of progress? I saw the meeting, they all agreed, even Tommy Hallisey and Jim Kosty, that the Major should have an assistant, then turned right around and tried to blow things out of proportion. It sounded to me like the mayor has the authority to create or change a position, and that he was fully within his authority in doing so, and that the money is certainly there in the form of other positions that remain unfilled. Again, maybe there would be more money if the morons from the Jeff show hadn't spent ALL the money on BLD (did you get that Tommy?) Oh, but then they want to sound concerned about water rates?! What a joke. We need to purge our council of those members who feel the need to micro manage the city after they SPENT ALL THE MONEY during their last term. Did you catch that TC?

ihatekosty said...

There is not anything that Jerry could ask for or try to do, that Kosty/Cones would allow. Name one? I defy you to name one thing!

ihatekosty said...

Don't any of you remember the signs that had Kosty's name in a sign with a circle and the slash through them? Well Cooper did not know much about much, but he sure knew about Kosty, she keeps this town in knots, spreading her hate and venom to all that will listen. She records all of her conversations so that she can use them against people later. Name one friend she has kept for more than a year. She tells everyone that will listen that Jerry is Satan! Elaine, let Jerry be Mayor. Don't turn his term into a Harrison legacy.

ihatekosty said...

Progress, did you not mean Jim Nelson, you wrote Jim Kosty.

ihatekosty said...

What in the world is wrong with the nomination of Trey Apfell to the Charter review. What does Kosty have against him? Did he sue her for something?

League City Progress said...

I think I actually meant Jim Cones, I mean Hallisey, I mean Nelson . . .

Wait, they're all the same person!

Chris John Mallios said...

The mayor shoved the zoning through. That’s one. The Mayor shoved his anti school vote through the council …. That’s two. He has made numerous appointments shall I continue? Hate should have no place in our friendly informative discussion. :-)

ihatekosty said...
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Chris John Mallios said...

I guess that shows that the council has little faith in the mayor to choose anything. As for me being bitter about P & Z. No I am not, while I enjoyed being a commissioner on P & Z, I had to be mindful, out of respect, of what I said as a representative of the city. I no longer have that restriction and I like it that way. Like I have said before It’s noting personal it’s just business. You see I tend to think that people should live up to their campaign promises. Not lie to the public to get into office and then do what is best for themselves. The mayor in control ? I think the term is more like “lame duck mayor”. (Apologies to the duck) As for the mayor not playing “Partisan politics” are you KIDDING ? How did this person become mayor? One way... partisan politics. What a shame, for him, the good moderate republicans who had faith and voted for him, see his actions and know what he is all about. You bet they will not be fooled by his misstatement of facts and his arm twisting friends any more. Now we just have to find a retirement home for lame ducks.

ihatekosty said...

Well Mallios, if you had not noticed, Trey Apfell is one of your peeps! The Mayor was not playing partisian politics and was appointing a Dem. You are just bitter about your removal from PZ. Just like your friend Kosty. You both are just two very bitter losers who can not let it go, so you just have to keep stirring up the week minds on Council. When Sanborn comes back from her leave, Jerry will be back in control, Jim Kosty sees the writing on the wall and is leaning towards the J-Team, he can't win aligning himself with Tommy Hallisey.

Chris John Mallios said...

So blind hate

You believe anyone who opposes the mayor has a weak mind on the council? (the dark side of the force must not be able to use jedi mind control) I guess you believe everyone else is crazy and you are the only sane one? Fact is, it is not sop (standard operation procedure) to have a beat cop write job descriptions, but your mayor encouraged it. It is not normal to hire someone when funding or the position does not exist but your mayor did it. I think the mayor (because of lack of basic personnel knowledge) may not understand that he is putting the city in a dangerous situation. And this is the best you conservatives can come up with? No wonder this city is in sad shape. I thought Harrison was blind but this mayor could be a pinball wizard! (Deaf, dumb and blind) And once again you miss the whole point. It’s not about control, it is about what is best for the city and the taxpayers.

Jerryisourmayor said...

My Dear Mallios,
I have been waiting for your response. The weak minds are those on council who take orders from Kosty on what to vote for and against, and whom to vote for and against. She must have something against Apfell or he would have been appointed, the weak minded council people she controls held their tongues at his appointment. The whole point is the Mayor needs a secretary. He went to Cones and asked for his help, Cones said he would see what he could do. Well, we all saw what Cones could do as Mayor Pro Tem, he knifed the Mayor in the back on the orders of Kosty! Over a simple request for a secretary. Name one CEO that does not have a secretary? You and Kosty are so bitter, you put your personal vengance above the good of the community. Why don't you just drop out of the community? Give the rest of us a break! Let the Mayor be the Mayor. You and Kosty are hurting the whole town.

So now Mallios, go ahead and deny the order to squash the Mayor did not come from Hallisey and Kosty, or what will no be known as HOSTY.

Chris John Mallios said...

My Dear Jerry I Sour mayor ,

Order? Who gave the order ? “No one knows who gave the order -- when I heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe -- I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things.” “I let it go. And I said to myself, this is the business we've chosen -- I didn't ask who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business!” Hyman Roth to Michael Godfather part II.

Does the mayor need a secretary? I am sure he does. Does he need a speech writer and marketer at the taxpayer’s expense? Absolutely not! Let us talk the truth here. We have seen and listened to the job description it is NOT SECRATERAIL. Get with the facts and stop the shell game. The mayor got caught. So he should deal with it.

So now Elaine Kosty is running the city? I guess I need to give her a call! Me drop out of the community that a Mallios has been politically involved in since 1962? Think again ! It will never happen. As my mother did, I, my brother and now my daughter will continue to fight for what is in the best interest of the city and it’s taxpayers. As Yoda said "Luke there is another skywalker"

Jerryisourmayor said...

By now we all know you are obsessed not only with Markum but "Star Wars" too. You and your nut friends a la Tommy Hosty, have spun it to be a "In House Political Consultant” Very nicely done, to bad it is not the truthfil or reality, conveniently you do not deal in reality or fact. The Mayor simply needs someone to help him with managing the day to day correspondence and relations with citizens of the City. What on Earth is wrong with trying to hire a capable person in lieu of another under educated, do nothing bureaucrat at City Hall. I applaud the Mayor for trying to raise the competency level at City Hall. Have you been there lately, the place is filled with incompetent, governmently empowered malcontents. What good leaders do is employ quality people. Bad leaders surround themselves with incompetents. What would you know about good leadership, you have been let go of every job you have held in the last 10 years. So please, do not try to spank me with your holier than thou garbage. You and your friends, whether Democrats or Republicans who work to thwart the Mayor and every action he takes, are destructive and obstructionists to progress in our community and I for one am offended by your words and actions. I just wish you would either cease and desist or go away. Why do you and your team mates have to be so destructive on a local and national level?

Chris John Mallios said...

For the record I will say that I think most of our city employees do a great job !!!
I must be right on target because someone is VERY upset LOL !!!

If “The Mayor simply needs someone to help him with managing the day to day correspondence and relations with citizens of the City” then tell me why they need to write speeches ? It is in the description, my friend, THAT is a fact !!! I understand your love for the mayor and I can respect that. Do not try to spin the facts to me. I see and shoot straight. The problems is my friend “you can’t handle the truth” ;-)

“you have been let go of every job you have held in the last 10 years.” Is that the best you can do? That my friend is no spin…. it is a LIE. I challenge you to prove that statement in a court of law, in public, or anywhere else. You cannot because it is not true. Intimidation will not work on me.

You seem to be a prime example of what the mayor will do to discredit anyone who attempts to shed the light on what he is doing at city hall. I guess I should have been a dentist ‘cuz I must have struck a nerve!!!

As for competent Leadership? When you start telling the truth you might have credibility. Until then you are just another political thug, blind to the truth, supporting your mayor.

Chris John Mallios said...

Sour Mayor,

One other thought.... I make no monitary profit from the city, can you say the same ????

Jerryisourmayor said...

Well Mallios, I do not make any money from the City. Hmm, you sure do rant and rave alot. The point I am making to you is that the Mayors request, even for a speach writer is no big deal. You and your conspiracy theory friends think that the Mayor is continually building his base for bigger and better things. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, since you are all stuck on this, anything the mayor does or asks for must be related to his "career building" so you as a good citizen must stop him, do I have that correct? So how does the Mayor get anything done Mallios? Why don't you tell us what he should do, give us the Mallios approved agenda.

Chris John Mallios said...

Sour Mayor,
I noticed you did not mention anything about your lie regarding my employment over the last ten years? Use those fingers to discuss that, Or are you afraid you inserted your foot too far in this time?

How can the mayor get anything done? How about telling the truth. That is a start. How about doing what is correct for the city instead of what he is doing now. I know in your mind the mayor walks on water but the fact is we all see his examples and we know longer believe his words. You think I worry about the mayor going on to bigger and better things? Give me a break he cannot take care of business in his own back yard. Whatever delusions of grandeur he may have, are fading fast, as his actions speak louder than his words.

Jerryisourmayor said...

Okay Mallios, since you asked me to, here you go, You worked for Galveston County, where you were released due to irregularities in record keeping, shall I continue or is that enough.

Chris John Mallios said...

Yes please do …Also you may wish to provide any paper work you may have ! I’d love to see it.

Chris John Mallios said...

I haven’t looked through that file in some time… Hmmm Let’s see A letter to the editor by me about the natatorium to be located at the County park in League city. If I remember correctly I wrote that when I was told by a lion’s club member that commissioner Clark promised mayor Frankie that the pool could go there. I was against the natatorium location because it was a county park not city land and that the tests on the soil showed it not to be a good spot. As a matter of fact I had announced that I was running for county commissioner against Ken “the dark side” Clark while I was working as the north district foreman in Walter Hall park. Why that was the same time that the football field was built on overtime to fulfill a promise the commissioner made to a friend. If I remember correctly the county leveled the ground, provided all labor, on overtime, and all the football team had to do was to provide the grass seed. Unfortunately the seed never showed up, the project was never completed and all that time effort and county tax dollars went to waste.

I could have kept my mouth shut and kept my job but you see Sour mayor my mother and father raised me to stand up for what is the correct thing to do for the taxpayer and the citizens regardless of the personal price I may have to pay. (I know you don’t understand) I do not bow to pressure of any kind. Mayor Frankie wanted the vote on the natatorium to go through before the citizens knew where it was going to be placed. As we all know the citizens overwhelmingly voted down the natatorium. I let it go and moved on because I was running for county commissioner and my mother was fighting for her life.

ihatekosty said...

Chris you make such a good Martyr. Are you Muslim? If so there are 72 virgins waiting for you after you self destruct.

Chris John Mallios said...

Catholic, always have been, always will be. I am not the one that brought this up and I have never tried to play the martyr. I do what I think is in the best interest of the city and taxpayers not myself regardless of what maybe offered or what is threatened. Self destruct my friend ? Don't think so you have only made me positive that I am on the correct path. And I'm just getting started ;-)

Is that all you have ?? That was the past ten years??? I still say you are a liar Sour Mayor!

Jerryisourmayor said...

Go ahead and explain your job at Galveston College and your departure from there.

Chris John Mallios said...

Sure I can but let’s hear you version first Sour mayor. Oh and by the way are you saying that I had no job between Galveston County and Galveston College ?

Chris John Mallios said...

And don’t you think this is a little personal considering I am not a public figure and not running for office? I mean it’s not like I’m a sergeant and was demoted to a private for looking at pornography at the local high school while on the clock. Or is that just part of the republican hypocrisy? I think I should look into and discuss the mayors Business practices as well as his employment history. I think this will be fun and informative for the whole family! ;-)

Chris John Mallios said...

Like I have always said "League City politics is a full contact sport."

Jerryisourmayor said...
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Jerryisourmayor said...

First of all, I was just skipping ahead, leaving out all the boring details of your in between employment. If you want, I will go through the details of your other employment. However, it sounds like you are crying uncle when you say that you think this is getting a little personal. You asked for this, and now you are crying foul? Now you want to change the subject to the Mayor's business practices? Mr. Mallios, you were let go for incompetence in the work place at G.C. Please don't ask me to humilate you by going further. You are the classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. Your cheap shot at Markum in your previous post is just that,,cheap! However, that is what you and your team-mates do. You are good at the cheap shots

ihatekosty said...

Mr. Mallios,
I certainly have all the history on your employment, if you really want I can post it in explicit detail, is that what you want? Do I have your permission? I think it only fair that your readers and listeners know you better.

Chris John Mallios said...

Me cry uncle? Give me a break lightweights. How about you cry SOUR MAYOR IS A LIAR !! I hope for your sake you have some falsely made up piece of paper giving you a shred of hope. Because my friend, you are a liar! I demand evidence of any sort to support your lie.
Fact :
The budget for the 4 individuals in ground maintenance was eliminated and outsourced to a contractor saving the college money. I have the paper work and recommendations signed by the proper individuals. It’s time, SOUR MAYOR IS A LIAR, to put up or shut up. You speak of me, yet my name is out front and you are too ashamed to show yours? Integrity? , My friend you don’t know the word and will never understand it. Morals? Don’t think you have a shred, but that is why you fit in with the mayor and his clones. Scare or deter me in any way? No my friend you have not. I am now motivated beyond words, because I know from your last ditch, smear the messenger tactics, that I am right on target. And I will not stop until I have told the complete story. Hey there is no gps monitor in my car to track my movements (or lack thereof). You and your mayor had an opportunity to walk the walk. Hey, y’all did great talking the talk but the fact is that is where it stopped.

But once again you prove my point that the mayor and his good ol boys will stop at nothing to silence those that dare to speak the truth.

The funny and yet sad part of this is that I am an individual who voiced an opinion. From that the Sour Mayor has attempted to discredit me and drag my name through the mud to silence me and protect the good old boys and the mayor interest, not the cities.

But now that Mallios has been under the microscope, unless you have some other lie you wish to float, I think it fair we do the same for the mayor and his strong arm clones. Changing the subject? My friend I know who I am, I am proud of what I am and I would do it over again. Judgment? I know what is in my heart and my action speaks for itself, I think we all understand what is in your heart by your actions as well.

I don’t profit off the city and by your lying statements I do not doubt you profit from the city and I am hurting your “gravy train”. Slow or fast….. the train will come to a stop. Whooooo Whooooooo hear that whistle fading off..... ;-)

Chris John Mallios said...

I gotta add this … After a discussion with a wise person this morning as well as a remark made by my oldest brother about my above description “sounding like some attorneys he knows” I think I know who could be our sour mayor. It makes sense, A liar from the word go, no morals, no integrity, cannot admit the truth because money and power are more important. I know of only one attorney (most attorneys have hearts and are good people) (but darth mauls come in pairs) that fits that profile who would be motivated to blindly defend his gravy train. I now understand !! LOL !!!!!

ihatekosty said...

Mallios, what is that you have against Attorneys? I mean really, is it that they are better educated than you? Is it that they are smarter than you? Is it that they are better at analytic thought processes than you? Really, what is it about Attorneys you feel so compelled to rag on them? You don’t hear us ragging on about how un educated the general populace is, or how they should not be making the kinds of decisions they do on Council. I mean really, what qualifies any of the Council members to make the kinds of decisions they do. The only ones with a Bachelors level degree are Mayor Shults, Councilmen Nelson, Samuelson and Barber.

ihatekosty said...

Mallios, what is that you have against Attorneys? I mean really, is it that they are better educated than you? Is it that they are smarter than you? Is it that they are better at analytic thought processes than you? Really, what is it about Attorneys you feel so compelled to rag on them? You don’t hear us ragging on about how un educated the general populace is, or how they should not be making the kinds of decisions they do on Council. I mean really, what qualifies any of the Council members to make the kinds of decisions they do. The only ones with a Bachelors level degree are Mayor Shults, Councilmen Nelson, Samuelson and Barber.

Chris John Mallios said...

Attorneys ? I have nothing against attorneys some of my biggest supporters are attorneys like my older brothers. LOL You really think that education of yours makes you better than anyone else? LOL !!! Oh my goodness you ARE full of yourself. How does your head fit in your front door? It’s amazing League City has survived all these years without you!

Do you attend church? If you do you are not listening and are just wasting your time. Like I said most attorneys are good people. It is attorneys like you that give the good attorneys the bad reputation they have. LOL . The “I mean really “ gives yourself away. LOL !!! Ahhhh but you have much to learn little tadpole (small almost frog, for the less educated among us). You can give it out…. but boy you sure have a tough time taking it.

Go back to your little world where you must buy the respect (they still laugh behind your back) you get because no one has any respect for you here or anywhere in our city.

“you never turned around to see the frowns of the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you” Bob Dylan “Like a rollin’ stone”

Chris John Mallios said...

I guess I'm done with you lightweights... Any time you want some more come on down and try again. Enjoyed the discussion maybe next time you might be able to come up with something LOL…… anything !!! Until then I suggest you find a Lame duck home for the mayor and yourselves. ;-)

Chris John Mallios said...

"You don’t hear us ragging on about how un educated the general populace is..." LOL So "hater" why don't you call the taxpayers and citizens of League City a bunch of ignorate country bumkins!!! How does that foot taste in your mouth?

Chris John Mallios said...

“I mean really, is it that they are better educated than you? Is it that they are smarter than you? Is it that they are better at analytic thought processes than you?” Well let’s just say I have never been publicly intoxicated in an ally in Galveston looking for a place to urinate. If that’s what “better educated” means, if that’s what “smarter” means and if that is what “better at analytic thought processes” means then you are correct! Such hypocrisy !

League City Progress said...

LET'S TALK ABOUT SOMETHING PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT. How about the upcoming city council workshop about New Quest Commercial and Victory Lakes. What's going to happen? Is the council going to bow down to another minority-vote neighborhood? We know where Cones (ok Pat), Jim (I'll do whatever Tommy tells me to do) Nelson, and Barber (the martyr) stand (against economic progress). But what about the others?

Sanborn is a swing vote on the council. She campaigned on increasing commercial development (and $$$ for the city tax base), so hopefully she'll stick to her campaign promises. If her friends Tommy and Pat push for her to vote against the New Quest project next to Victory Lakes the city will be a proven political joke. I know the council has a workshop this Friday to discuss New Quest. Wonder if Mr. Barber will abstain from the discussions since he has a conflict of interest (even more I hope someone from the DA's office will be there to see what he does since they've been tipped off to his illegal antics). Let's see what Phyllis does, can she think for herself, or is she just another Jim Nelson, who just does whatever Tommy tells him to? Don't let us down Phyllis, we voted for you because you told us you would help the city. From what I hear, CCISD wants to see the cut-through and turn lane into Wal Mart and the New Quest development to keep traffic at a minimum in front of the elementary school. Will she buck CCISD? We're all waiting to see . . .

And by the way? Do any of the 58,000 silent-majority citizens in League City care one bit about the Charter Review Committee? I THINK NOT. The council needs to move on to important business, like running the city, approving the budget, planning for a new wastewater treatment facility, shutting down the pipe-dream museum and solving the socialist "let's run our own state-owned business" Big League Dreams project, and leading the city (instead of letting the staff run it).

How about some real political topics? I'm sick of the Mallios, I hate Jerry propaganda posts. Does he really think that's what is important to the majority here? I thought THIS was SUPPOSED TO BE a non-partisan or bi-partisan site? Give me a break. How about some real issues???????

Chris John Mallios said...
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Chris John Mallios said...


1.) It was Jerry’s good old boys that got upset at what Mallios said and as usual attempted to shut him up using the old jerry intimidation routine. As you can tell it didn’t work.
2.) Ms. Sanborn will do what she feels is in the best interest of the city. Your feeble attempt to place pressure on her is bogus. She has her own mind. You should call her if you are serious.
3.) No one is interested in the charter revision committee? I believe you are incorrect.
You see many of the problems we are faced with stem from discrepancies in the city charter. The charter MUST be reviewed and we must have a definitive type of government for our city. Most cities review their charter on a regular basis. League city? Well the last time was when Pat Hallisey was mayor in “95. That speaks volumes for the republican control city over the past 11 years.
4). Speaking of Jerry’s clones and intimidation routine how about your statement “Wonder if Mr. Barber will abstain from the discussions since he has a conflict of interest (even more I hope someone from the DA's office will be there to see what he does since they've been tipped off to his illegal antics).” Do you really think anyone is worried? We all saw what the DA did to monica so what do you think will happen here ? LOL
5.) Every problem you sight with the city “shutting down the pipe-dream museum and solving the socialist "let's run our own state-owned business" Big League Dreams project, and leading the city (instead of letting the staff run it).” has been created by you religious “fright” selections. Everything you said is the direct result of the republican party and their need for power at whatever cost. Well now the bill is coming due and you guys don’t like it. Electing a person because of their party affiliation has caused League City to get some very poor leaders. Your Mayor is a perfect example.

Is that real enough?

League City Progress said...

Artemus, the illegality comes in the form of Mr. Barber's conflict of interest. This is a criminal offense. He was a named plaintiff in a lawsuit against Wal Mart regarding the cut-through he and the residents of Victory Lakes want to shut down to impede commercial development next to their neighborhood on the I-45 feeder. The basis of their suit was that having the cut-through would affect traffic flow through their neighborhood and reduce their property values. The alleged reduction in property values, which directly affects his own real property interest, is where the conflict of interest lies. City staffers told me that the city attorney even distributed a memo outlining the conflict of interest. I'm sure the Galveston Daily News is following the issue closely.

League City Progress said...

Mallios, I've tried to contact Mrs. Sanborn, but as you know, she's been unavailable since her election. Apparently she is attending to some family business, at least that's what Mr. Cones said at the last council meeting.

As for the Charter Review, I agree it should be done, what I said is that virtually no one in the city's silent majority cares about it.