Saturday, June 10, 2006

Anyone need boots?

Lake Placid in League City ? It appears that an alligator is out and about in the water ways near the Signature Point Apartments.

1 comment:

DaisyGirl said...

Got this in an eMail not too long ago!

Pack of Dogs Kill Gator In Florida

Maybe League City or Texas Parks and Wildlife could find these dogs???

There's a pond in a neighborhood near us that gets a gator, or two, or three, every spring. If its too very big, (I think greater than 7 ft) Texas Parks and Wildlife comes out and traps the thing and moves it elsewhere. Follow the instructions in the posted article and be careful of small dogs, cats and kids... Hubby calls this time of year around the Creek... 'Bobbing for Poodles' time. A little sick, but true.