Saturday, June 10, 2006

Charter revision committee

There has been discussion over the appointments to the Charter revision committee. It has been rumored that the mayor has requested that each council member make two recommendations and he will select one of the two. Now maybe I’m stupid, but If the committee will be made up of one person selected by the individual council members why would you ask for two recommendations? Surely the mayor is not attempting to exclude particular individuals? Once again the mayor’s actions speak louder than his words. When will some people learn it’s not about them it is about what is best for our city. What do you think is best for the city? What should the charter revision committee look at?


Sean said...

Are there any by-laws that state how this Charter revision committee should be populated? Chris, you were on the charter review committee before - how did the selection process go back then?

The most logical reason I can think of (I'm not one to jump right to conspiracy theories) is if the primary individual cannot perform the duty for some reason or another, there is a secondary individual to take on the role. Is this not a typical M.O. for this type of committee?

Chris John Mallios said...


The last charter revision committee was selected by submitting two names per council member and the Mayor (Pat Hallisey) selected the chairman. BOTH of the names were made committee members. It was done in a fair and nonbiased way. The mayor understood the need for a cross representation of our city.

Unfortunately this mayor wishes to control the whole thing….. What a shame ….. He has now decided that since some council members have submitted one name that he will select three individual to cancel out the votes of those he does not wish to have a voice. He is afraid that the recall provisions will be changed and that would lead to his removal. I believe that the present provision (Needing at least 20,000 signatures) is unrealistic and designed to keep BAD public officials in office.