Saturday, April 29, 2006

City Election

Ok everyone it’s prediction time. Will there be more than 6000 TOTAL (Early and Election day) votes cast in this municipal election? Give us your best estimation after factoring in all that you factor in …. And what do you factor in ? For example do you think “Anything League City” will help increase voter turn out ? Do you think endorsements turn out voters ? What motivates you to vote? A single issue? Our city economy ? Traffic problems? High Taxes? Poor use of tax dollars? All the above? None of the above? And last what are you saying with your vote ? Are you voting for that candidate or against the opponent? Just a thought or two.


DaisyGirl said...

O.K. Chris...

Sorry, but 6000 in a non-mayoral year is just a bit too high... I think it will be more than 3000... maybe 4500... due to things like 'Anything League City', maybe Channel 16, (the sound is just terrible, wish they would webcast the meetings)and the LC blogsites. I truly hope I'm proven wrong on the 3000 voter turn out!!

Because I'm biased... Mr. Cones for Council seat #3, Mrs. Sanborn for Council seat #5... By the way, other than Mr. Samuelson, (who already has a seat on council)they were the only ones that sounded like they knew anything at the forum, still showing on channel 16... or, that showed up at this past Tuesdays council meeting. It all depends on which candidate can get League City Voters to actually go out and vote.

Wasn't it you Chris, that said take 5 registered to vote League City friends with you when you go to cast your ballot??? Sounds like a good idea... then maybe that 3000 maybe closer to 7500...

DaisyGirl said...

Thank you LC Texan for replying to 'busted'... I didn't know how to answer that kind of apathy.

I don't think it is true for LC Council positions #3 or #5, but frequently we voters need to vote for the lesser of two ??? (didn't want to say evils).