Friday, April 21, 2006

What did you think of the forum?

Did you learn something about the candidates? Do you understand their vision for the city? Do you have a better grasp of what each one is about? What did you learn ?


CaptainBlye said...

Cones, while carrying the baggage of the past, still seems the candidate to beat. DeLeon and Lee, not much of a choice here.

Sanborn over Paulissen hands down. These seem more moderate Republicans, not the christian right wing...... Perhaps Ken Clark will begin to see his influence FINALLY end...

Samuelson starts on a note of deception with his deal with Katie after she dropped out. I still am wondering what Ken Clark got out of this one....

Max said...

I agree with Councilman Barber's last point... they all seemed to be quite sincere and performed quite well. I, of course, have my preferences, but at least they all came across as competent...

Sean said...

Unfortunately, I don't have anything to add, because I couldn't stand the terrible video and audio from channel 16. The audio was so poor, that I had to turn my volume up to the max level, and I couldn't tell who the candidates were because I've never seen them, and couldn't read the name cards due to the terrible video.

Does anybody know if improving that (potentially) great tool is being seriously discussed? I've heard discussions on Anything League City, but nothing from any council members.

Whew! Now that I've got that off my chest, I do plan on watching the debate soon. I'm very interested in being able to draw my own conclusions about these folks, aside from the great conversation going on the blogs.

Marc Edelman said...

Great Post Mike! I agree with LCTEXAN. I did not vote for Mike on his first time around, but I intend to if he runs again. :)