Saturday, July 08, 2006

Ok “real issues” for League City progress

Let’s talk about approving the mayor’s budget. I understand the Mayor will request a 5 cent tax reduction and will make the council decide where the cutting will happen? 5 cent reduction ? Talk about show boating at the expense of our city ! I guess the first thing that needs to go is the mayor request for a new position! Thoughts???


CaptainBlye said...

The city administrators' job is to help the mayor assemble a budget for current and future operating expenses for the fiscal year. The mayor proposes a budget with existing tax revenue and can "suggest" an increase, decrease or leave the budget the same.

The councils job is to review the suggested budget and add or remove as they see fit. If the mayor suggests a 5 cent tax cut, it is HIS job to recommend where the cuts come from. The council can either approve or modify what the final budget looks like and agree or disagree on these PROPOSED cuts.

Ole Jerry does NOT have a majority on council anymore and this lame duck will get little support. Most of the existing city expenses are now BOND indebteness, water, sewer and operations. An 8% reduction in taxes is a nice idea but when it comes to identifying WHAT services will be axed, Jerry will be at odds with council..

Besides, if he is so interested in cutting taxes why was he trying to add ANOTHER UNFUNDED secretaries position??? Another soundly defeated idea. Lame Ducks come up with the strangest ideas.....AAAAAAARRRGH...

ihatekosty said...

While Galveston has its share of politicians who should not be in office a la Mr. Marc Hoskins, League City has its share too. Mr. Chris Stevens is an undereducated High School drop out, un married and Bankrupt. While he lives with his common law wife, he pontificates about god and morals etc. He would like to be County Judge. Now does anyone think a Bankrupt, High School drop out should occupy the highest office in the County? If so I want to hear from you.

Chris John Mallios said...

I thought he was your republican nominee ? For the record I understand that he does have a GED, he passed his tests Feb. 1, 2006. He has stated that he was married in Victoria, Texas. This is information that Mr. Stevens has provided on blogs or on “anything League City” . I am not defending Mr. Stevens just setting the record straight. As for bankruptcy, I have seen the documents and they are being prepared for viewing on line. Of course after the attorneys view and ok it, it will be posted as was the mayor’s campaign contributions. If we are going to cut throats let’s use a clean knife.

Chris John Mallios said...

This brings up an interesting point. Will the mayor support the republican (his party) nominee for county Judge? Or will he turn his back on the very person that got him into office? A loyal party man seeking a state representative spot or higher republican office should be tirelessly campaigning for his fellow republicans. So where does the mayor stand on this situation? Or will he remain silent, a sign that he will support the democrat. We will find out if the mayor is a true “party man” or is just another opportunist.

Chris John Mallios said...

I do not doubt that Markum will tell the mayor to say” I will work with who ever the voters select” or to get him out of campaigning for Mr. Stevens he will say ”It is in the best interest of the city that I do not endorse anyone.” This would be a riot considering he endorsed council candidates!!! LOL Oh what a tangled web we weave ………. Right mayor? (pun intended)

LC Confused Party said...

Was anyone watching the Council meeting tonight? What the hell was going on? It looked like a playground after school! The Mayor promised a unified Council, what I just saw was far from that! That was worse than anything I saw with the old Mayor Harsmen. I bet Mr. Harsmen is laughing out loud. Well Mayor Shulz sure had a cheshire cat smile on. I am sure this episode was payback for him not getting his secretary. Why does it have to be this way, can't any of our community leaders act civiliy? What is it that constantly divides this town. It is sad that Mayor will not or can not deliver on his promise to the citizens. Now I am really confused.

ihatekosty said...

Well what you saw was the Mayor preventing Kosty pulling a fast one. She was trying to slide her self back into politics in League City. NO WAY ELAINE, Stay home! There was no way the Mayor was going to allow Kosty to load the Charter review committee with herself and all her friends! HA! Thwarted again Elaine! Thank god for the sound minds of Samuelson, young man Nelson and the Mayor. Who put the bees in Sanborns bonnet? I thought she was with the Mayor. All I can say is W A R N I N G K O S T Y ! From now on, anything that has the stink of Kosty on it, goes down in flames, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. LMAO!

Jerryisourmayor said...

Do not mess with the Mayor, he has got it up his sleave! What you have seen here is just the begining of what we have needed for the last five years, shutting down Tommy Cones and his developer driven agenda. Jerry is going to turn this whole deal around! He is going to fix what ails LC. Starting with fixing the broken charter. The charter is like an old horse and wagon, a relic from 1962, written by the has beens of League City. What we need is a new Charter that reflects the needs of 60 thousand people who live here in the year 2006. You go Jerry!!! woooooop!

Jerryisourmayor said...

Yes and btw no Mallios on the Charter review!! WOOOHOOO, in your face Mallios!!!! How does it feel?

ihatekosty said...

This is the begining of the end for Tommy Cones, wait until you hear what Tommy has in his closet. Predictions.

In 3 months Tommy Cones resigns in disgrace.

Tom Delay wins in CD22 woops Lampson

League City Progress said...

I don't understand? I thought the mayor did appoint Chris Mallios to his "ad hoc" committee? Even if they can't be recognized as an official advisory committee? It was hard to follow with all the tantrums going on.

Chris John Mallios said...

Sour mayor and hate,

What you saw last night was that once again the mayor failed to work with the council. Don't mess with the mayor? The mayor has it up his sleeve? Yes, we all do it's called an armpit and it stinks! The ad hoc committee, it appears, will have no authority to recommend squat to the council according to the city attorney. What does that accomplish? (spinning wheel got to go 'round)Why would the mayor do such a thing? Because the names of the citizens recommended by the council did not give the mayor his “solid” majority he wanted to control the committee. When will you all understand that it is all about control for the Mayor.

How accurate was the blog on this one? Well now check out the June 15, 2006 entry called “Gotta have control !!!!” “The mayor has decided that since he cannot knock off who he wants from the Charter Revision committee, he will load it with his “kids” to cancel their votes. Changing the process to give him control is a trade mark of this mayor.”

I would think the last line says it all.

League City Progress said...

I disagree. Now that I understand what happened, it seems that what the mayor did was take the "partisan" out of the process. He made the committee bigger, and more diverse than it ever would have been otherwise. So what if no formal recommendations can be accepted in the existing form? What we have now is a diverse, public "think tank" that will discuss and bring to light the issues that concern a majority of citizens in League City, as opposed to the thin, thin minority who actually vote and participate in the municipal process. I think this move by the mayor will serve the ENTIRE community, and not just the few who scream the loudest.

League City Progress said...

By the way, in case any of the readers of this blog think this stuff is limited to League City, check the "our county" section of the Galveston Daily News today. The headline on that section is all about Friendswood's battles over their Charter Review process. We didn't even make the paper.

It looks to me like the demographics and politics of this county are changing across the board.

ihatekosty said...

More like a stink tank

League City Progress said...

Apparently the obstructionists do not understand the difference between "leadership" and "control". They simply want to control the process, and by making the tough call and taking the politics out of what is supposed to be a non-political process, the mayor has exercised leadership and taken control of what was quickly and obviously becoming a political tool of the opposition. I applaud the mayor for standing up to Mr. Cones, whose aspirations are patently obvious and transparent. There was no mention of it at the meeting, but I'd sure like to know who his nomination was . . .

I saw we finally made the paper this morning. Great stuff. Saw Cones' dictator tirade in quotes. Hilarious. Just another temper tantrum.

As for my earlier comments in this post, pay close attention to Mr. Barber's quote at the end of the article: "I guess we'll just have to follow the mayor's LEAD on this one." I'm glad to see at least one person on council understands the concept.

League City Progress said...

That last post sums it all up, and clearly gives up the obstructionist agenda. Calling charter review "our issue" and referring to the process as a "power struggle" exemplifies everything that is wrong with League City politics.

The revision of the city charter is NOT about promoting the ideological political agenda of any one minority group in League City. It's about what's best for the greater good of the entire city. Everyone. This includes approximately 60,000 citizens, not 2,000 or so.

Objectively viewing this community, if not the entire county, it is obvious that the demographics and politics are changing. Futile hostility is bad for all of us. We need to be moving forward together. Inclusion is key.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the show yourself and hear Tad Nelson. You decide his condition.

Chris John Mallios said...

Yes and btw no Mallios on the Charter review!! WOOOHOOO, in your face Mallios!!!! How does it feel?

Posted by Jerryisourmayor ::: 10:23 PM

LOL! Why I feel very good ! How about you Sour Mayor? Are you a happy person today? And one more time explain to me about this “in your face” thing and “no Mallios on the charter review” ADA must have set in before you finished watching the council meeting, or you must be in denial and we ain’t talkin’ about a river here.

Jerryisourmayor said...

If Council would cooperate and approve the Mayor's ad-hoc committee for charter review, then the Charter Review Committee would have binding authority. Who is at the center of the dissention? You got it, Kones (Kosty-Cones)aka kahones, or aka Consty. So instead of letting the Charter Review committee do its thing, Tommy is having a personal war with the Mayor. When will this nonsense end? Maybe Markum can consult with Kones on his anger management issues.

Chris John Mallios said...

Sour Mayor,
Let’s set the record straight. The mayor promised the council they could select one person for the committee. When they followed the mayor’s direction, the mayor then decided to appoint his own committee. The mayor was defeated in this act by council. Since then the mayor has made concessions and has placed some other members on the committee that were the original choice of some council members. I believe he made enough concessions to gain the votes needed to make the committee “legitimate”. If the mayor had kept the promise made to the council to begin with he would not be in the situation he is in. “If the council would cooperate”? Sour mayor once again your facts are incorrect. Do you pay attention at the council meetings? “Personal War” ? It appears to me that Council member Cones did what he was asked of the mayor. The Mayor did not want his selection on the committee. And so now you contend that Council member Cones is fighting a personal war with the mayor? That’s quite a spin there Sour Mayor ! As for anger management I would suggest you show up first Sour Mayor. Just read your posts and you will find out what an angry person you are. Could be a sobering experience.

League City Progress said...

Let's quit beating around the bush.

Cones wants Kosty on the committee.

No one else does.

The issue was decided by the constituents long ago.

Chris John Mallios said...

I do not agree that “ no one else does”. I agree we should “quit beating around the bush.” I believe it would not matter to many individuals in our city. It obviously matters to the mayor. “The issue was decided by the constituents long ago.” What does that mean? Are you saying anyone who held a public office and was not reelected should not be on the committee? Or are you saying that the voters of our city have voted for the committee members? LCP please be clear on what you are trying to say.

ihatekosty said...

While you all speak about Elaine Kosty from first hand knowledge, she has some very bad attributes. I too have first hand knowledge of her political passion. She has jacked everyone she has ever helped politically; she is a political black widow spider. She eats the candidates after she gets them elected.

Chris John Mallios said...

“She has jacked everyone she has ever helped politically;” Do you have names to back that up? And could it be that she has an open mind and can change it? I have supported a few candidates and have been very vocal when they do not do what is in the best interest of the city. Are you saying that you blindly follow your leader even if he leads you to the gates of hell? .. Oh sorry that’s right you support Tom “the runaway bride” Delay….

As for cannibalism in League City “She eats the candidates after she gets them elected.” I do not think she eats them. While I have never been over to her home for dinner, I would think that a pattern could be established regarding missing candidates. I have not seen her on the corner selling “solient green” or “Farmer Vincent fritters”.

As for bad attributes… Who among us is perfect? I am not. I have several bad attributes just Ask my wife. I believe that your deep seated hate is a very bad attribute and does nothing to move our city forward. Seems to me this is more personal with you and Ms. Kosty than business.

Artemus… Please do not attribute MY quote to the republicans. I have said since the 70’s that “League City politics is a full contact sport” It doesn’t have to be.... but it is. :-)

ihatekosty said...

Mr. Chris Malcontent,
Let me see, the first names that come to mind are Jerry Shults, Rusty Tidwell, and others yet to come. I find it humorous that you take my writings so litterally.

"But nobody can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison"

Chris John Mallios said...

So according to you everyone that Ms. Kosty has helped, all two of them, she has “jacked up”? And this is the great political heavyweight that must be kept off the charter revision committee ??? Very poor argument.

ihatekosty said...

Artemus, how can you say that? Elaine Kosty is a cancer in our community. She is a trouble maker in her community associatiation where she lives, she has made major trouble there and then she jumped into League City politics where she wreaked havoc with her distorted logic. One example of Kosty's weird logic is she insisted on installing extremely unpopular jiggle bars inside South Shore Harbour to prevent auto/pedestrian accidents. Who is the only person on record to have an auto pedestrian accident inside South Shore Harbour,,,,you guessed it, Elaine Kosty. The jigle bars eventually had to be removed at considerable expense. She has bankrupted the Association by suing them and the officers of the association at a cost of over $150,000.00 to the association. The reason for her suit is a ridiculous claim under freedom of speach issues, she wants the right to put up big signs in her driveway expressing her viewpoints. During her tenure serving on the board of the association, it's financial condition deteriorated rapidly. It is probobaly easier to name the people in League City she has not sued, rather than naming the defendants in her frivilous law suits. If you do not believe me just go to the court house and search under Kosty, you will not believe your eyes. Please, do not tell me what a wonderful person she is, I know better. Additionally there are several sealed settlements that I can not discuss.

Chris John Mallios said...

ok lets name all 60,000 in League City she has not sued. to quote you "what is that you have against Attorneys? I mean really, is it that they are better educated than you? Is it that they are smarter than you? Is it that they are better at analytic thought processes than you? Really, what is it about Attorneys you feel so compelled to rag on them?"

Could it be you are angry because she does not use your attorney?

Anonymous said...

ihate- Jack get a life other than from the bottle. You are the real joke of SSH, not Kosty. Your claim to flame was the removal of speed devices to help stop speeding. But they jiggled your ass and spilted your martini. Wow, such fame. You spent thousands of dollars dividing the community with your lies (one which cost you a few thousand dollars- didn't your momma tell you not to lie)then become President of a rogue Board, but were forced to step down because you couldn't attend board meetings sober. You are a drunk, a liar, and a joke. I moved to Katy to get as far away as I could from the pathetic slugs and bar flies that still reside behind those pearly gates. PS. Jack, try a different hair coloring product, the current one isn't doing the trick.

Chris John Mallios said...

LOL Goodness Anon that sounds like and old TV show called “Carter’s Country”