Thursday, July 06, 2006
Real issues ......
What do you think are the real issues of the city? The victory lakes cut through? The new city waste water facility? Charter revision committee? single member districts? roof top development? Accepting developer money after slamming opponents for accepting the same? The Mayor? A Council member? Political consultants being paid (Possibly with your tax dollar) to write a job description when the city has a HR professional trained to do it? Broken campaign promises? The mayor working around the council instead of with the council? Tell us what you think the REAL issues of the city are and what solutions you may have.
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If you read the message, I did suggest some real topics you could post a thread about (since you're the only one who gets to - wonder whose site it is????).
To quote my own post: approving the budget, planning for a new wastewater treatment facility, shutting down the pipe-dream museum and solving the socialist "let's run our own state-owned business" Big League Dreams project.
Those are examples of real issues. Who writes a job description? Who cares. Who gets a secretary? Who cares. Who met with the Mayor and promised to work together and then stabbed him in the back? Why, it was your buddy Tommy, don't get used to sitting in that chair, Cones and his Cones Clone Jim, I can't think for myself, Nelson. But again, who cares. . .
The mayor lies to the council member and you say Council member cones stabbed the mayor in the back? No matter how you slice, dice or spin this the mayor is the one to blame. Heck he was so embarrassed by his own actions he didn’t even show his face at the meeting. ;-)
I believe the primary problem in League City is the extremely poor voter turn-out. We have a municipal government put in place by an exceptionally small percent of the registered voters of our community. This is NOT to take anything away from those individuals currently serving themselves or the city. There’s nothing to indicate the situation would be any different if every registered voter took an active role in our elections. What it would provide is a government put in place by a majority of the people they are intended to represent as democracy was intended to be. Instead we have a few small groups who due to the poor voter turn-out, wield tremendous sway over the elected officials and the city’s destiny. As for a solution, I wish I could say. I had hoped by starting “Anything League City” and providing a forum where voters could directly approach the candidates, it would increase voter awareness and participation. Sadly the ballots cast in this past council race indicate that the show has had little if any impact. We will keep trying. The only shame is in not making the effort.
Sometimes a small turnout works against you, and sometimes it works for you.
I disagree. A small voter turn-out may work to the advantage of an individual with individual ambitions. This is never the case for a community. The less involved a community is in selecting it's leaders, the more extreme the resentment towards it's leaders will be.
What Marc is saying is related to a candidate winning a race, what you are addressing is representational democracy.
No, I meant representational democracy.
Here is a link to an eplanation of what it means.
While appreciate you trying to not make me seem like an idiot, I meant representational democracy.
Representational Democracy
Democracy means rule by the demos - or people - as opposed to rule by the one (monarchy), rule by the few (oligarchy, aristocracy) or by the skilled (technocracy, meritocracy). The democratic principle is that individuals have the right to control their own lives. Any other form resulting in rule by the few over the many requires some degree of oppression.
Principles of Direct Representational Democracy
The government is mandated to protect the rights of individual citizens, not groups.
Every individual citizen shall have an elected representative in the Government
The interests of citizens as individuals, not political parties, shall be represented in the Government.
The voting public is the sole source of government legitimacy.
The voting public should directly determine its individual representatives in the legislative branch and the leader of the executive branch. Elected officials will serve for fixed, limited terms of office.
Political parties function to organize citizens into lawful political action; they should have no authority within government and may not circumvent the voting public as the final selector of government officials.
Mayor Shults once again offered an olive branch to the opposition by inviting Pat Hallisey to participate in the charter review process. Once again, the Mayor’s peace offering was chewed up and spat back in his face. The Mayor cannot and will not continue to suffer these types of humiliations. The refusal to participate centers around one totally unacceptable nomination made by a certain councilman. The Mayor cannot and will not appoint malcontent obstructionists to League City governmental bodies or committees. The Mayor is trying to build credibility in League City government. If he appoints certain people to the “Charter Review Committee” all gains made in restoring credibility to our municipal government will be lost. Certain members of our community thrive on divisive behavior and enjoy keeping our local government in chaos. Mayor Shults is unwilling to appoint these persons and allow the positive gains in our local government to disappear by recklessly appointing a malcontent law suit happy, political busy body. Can any sane citizen blame him? The Mayor has a vision for how things should be in our City and will not allow stubborn evil doers to dictate how he guides the city. Please stand up and support Mayor Shults’s leadership stand. Councilman Tad Nelson called into the internet broadcast show tonight and sincerely implored Mr. Hallisey to participate in the charter review process, only to be quickly rebuffed by Mr. Hallisey. What is it that Mr. Hallisey and his followers want of the current administration? The only answer I can surmise is to derail any efforts of the Mayor to improve League City out of bitterness and other personal issues.
n : the quality of being believable or trustworthy
Once again I have no MBA but this simple mind would think the way to gain credibility is to tell the truth, work with the council, not around them and do what you say you are going to do. Respect is earned, it is not automatic. I would think the proper way to ask someone to join a committee would not be calling in on an internet radio show.
An olive branch? Is that the same one he extended to CCISD as he cast the deciding vote AGAINST HS #4? No need for an olive branch if promises that were made were kept.
“Bitterness and personal issues” ? No I do not think so. I believe that the process of selecting the committee is what Former Mayor Hallisey has a problem with. I absolutely understand his reservations and agree, as I have been very vocal about the selection process, that the selection of the committee should have been done the way it was discussed originally by the mayor in workshops and the retreat. In order to be believable and trustworthy one must be fair and honest.
Apparently the obstructionists do not understand the difference between "leadership" and "control". They simply want to control the process, and by making the tough call and taking the politics out of what is supposed to be a non-political process, the mayor has exercised leadership and taken control of what was quickly and obviously becoming a political tool of the opposition. I applaud the mayor for standing up to Mr. Cones, whose aspirations are patently obvious and transparent. There was no mention of it at the meeting, but I'd sure like to know who his nomination was . . .
As for the olive branch, I think the mayor exercised extreme maturity in inviting Mr. Hallisey to participate in his ad-hoc Charter Review committee or think-tank. The fact that Mr. Hallisey won't participate in such an obviously diverse and objective group speaks volumes to his own true character and motivations. It's sad, I'm sure he probably has something positive and informative to offer. I guess we'll never know.
Grab the "spotlight"??? That's funny. If we have 60,000 people in this city, I'd bet 59,950 of them have never even heard of the "anything League City" show. Really, that's some spotlight. Blinding.
Tad the cad (alias ihate kosty) has some serious problems (other than being a pathological liar).It was painful to listen to the Cad call in to the show ( slurring his words,and having a difficult time speaking) Junior, needs to clean up his own house before he casts any more stones. What do they say about apples not falling far from the tree ?
arrested for public intoxication; defends child molestors; emails nasty-grams to other councilmembers; his room mate tells interesting stories of fits of uncontrolable anger; loves to bully; is a bully; is ihatekosty; was trounced by Larry Taylor; and has earned the blog name "the cad"
hmmmmmmmmm will the real person stand up and identify yourself??
How typical. Let's avoid the real issues raised in the other messages by slinging some mud and trying to distract people with hate and sensationalism.
I heard the call-in. All I heard was him complimenting Mr. Hallisey. In his own words, "you're an icon of League City" politics Mr. Hallisey. Another olive branch. He had the professionalism and non-partisan courtesy to actually invite , if not implore, Mr. Hallisey to put aside his political differences and participate in the process.
No mud slinging, no sliming just the facts. There were 12 people present at the show last evening. All heard Tad's call into the live broadcast. All were aware of his inebriated state. Morkum can spend and lie, but the fact remains, the cad was had. Ask Mayor Jerry himself, he announced that "old Tad had had 4 margaritas". Tad must have had a few more then Mr. J. was aware of. Lets here the Mayor deny this? Too many were present. Spin, spin, spin,we know the truth. Let the listeners make up their own mind, it is available for all to hear.
If you wish to hear councilmember T. Nelson his call came in 1 hour 35 minutes and 56 seconds into "Anything League City". Listen closely and make up your own mind.
Does it really matter if Tad had a buzz? I pull a cork during every show and will continue to do so. The only question to be asked here is this. Was Hallisey publicly asked with them knowing that he would decline the offer and therefore provide them with ammunition to use against him or was the offer sincere?
That's a valid question. I apologize I didn't see it sooner. I didn't realize there are two blogs, "LeagueCity" and "LeagueCityPolitics.blogspot."
In this case, though, we are talking about a tract that is clearly inside the Historic District.
While the two story cape cod style homes planned for The Township may be appealing to many, there is nothing "historic" or "old town" about them, or about much of anything in the plan.
We will be looking at a large number (for the overall size of the tract) of cookie cutter style homes that do not reflect the nature, character or charm of the neighborhood, in the opinion of most who live here or who appreciate the history and renovation of it.
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